Prof Varun Shukla | A New Secure Data Communication Method Using Wavelet Transform | Wireless Personal Communications | SCI | |
Progressive Pattern Interleaver with Multi-Carrier Modulation Schemes and Iterative Multi-User Detection in IoT 6G Environments with Multipath Channels | Sensors | SCI | |
On Similarity Measures of Complex Picture Fuzzy Sets With Applications in the Field of Pattern Recognition | IEEE Access | SCI | 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3412755 |
Mathematics and Logics in ML: Application Aspects | IEEE International conference | SCOPUS | 10.1109/SCEECS61402.2024.10482143 |
Mathematical Application in AI: An Emerging Area | IEEE International conference | SCOPUS | 10.1109/SCEECS61402.2024.10482117 |
Quantum Computing: Threats & Possible Remedies | IEEE International conference | SCOPUS | 10.1109/SCEECS61402.2024.10482099 |
On Renewable Energy Source Selection Problem Using T -Spherical Fuzzy Soft Dombi Aggregation Operators | Book Chapter: Wiley | SCOPUS | |
A Secure Signature Verification
Mechanism for Smooth
Authentication Process | IEEE International
conference | SCOPUS | https://10.1109/SCEECS61402.2024.10482147 |
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Sachan | Insight on Work-Function and Gate Oxide-Engineered Negative-Capacitance TFET for Enhanced Analog/RF Performance and DC Characteristics in High-Frequency Applications | Journal of Electronic Materials | SCI | |
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Singh | AI in Autonomous Vehicles: Opportunities, Challenges, and Regulatory Implications | Educational Administration: Theory and Practice | SCOPUS | |
Digital Sustainability: Harnessing Strategy And Technology To Reduce Carbon Footprints In Virtual Worlds | Educational Administration: Theory and Practice | SCOPUS | |
Dr. Gaurav Pandey | Machining characteristics of Al–TiB2 using a combination of rotary and low-frequency vibratory motion of tool electrode | Sādhanā | SCI | |
Influence on the mechanical properties of polymetric matrix composites with different types of | Material today: Proceedings | SCOPUS | |
Analysis of polymeric compounds
using a matrix of epoxy resin
reinforced with sisal fibers for
application as reinforcement of pieces
of wood | Material today:
Proceedings | SCOPUS | |
Dr. Divesh
Srivastava | A new class of generalized
polynomials associated with Milne-
Thomson-based poly-Bernoulli
polynomials | Miskolc Mathematical
Notes | SCI | |
Dr. Pradeep
Kumar | Decentralized Consensus Mechanisms
in Blockchain: A Comparative
Analysis | International Journal on
Recent and Innovation
Trends in Computing and
Communication | SCOPUS | |
Mr. Hari
Mohan Dixit | Alzheimer Disease Detection using
Deep Learning | IEEE International
Conference | SCOPUS | https://10.1109/ICSSAS57918.2023.10331661 |
Yadav | Data Science Applications in
Predictive Analytics for Healthcare
Using Ai" Technology | International Journal on
Recent and Innovation
Trends in Computing and
Communicaton | SCOPUS | |
Dr. Mayank
Maheshwari | Evaluation of Scaling Formation on
Entropy Generation of Flowing Fluid
Through Circular Pipe | ASME International
Conference | SCOPUS |
118295 |
Energy, exergy and economic analysis
of ammonia-water power cycle
coupled with trans-critical carbon di-
oxide cycle | Journal of thermal
engineering | SCOPUS | https://10.14744/thermal.0000823 |
Thermodynamic analysis of solar
assisted binary vapour cycle using
ammonia-water mixture and
transcritical CO2: A review | Journal of thermal
engineering | SCOPUS | https://10.14744/thermal.0000818 |
Mr. Praneet
Madhav | Strength and Durability Properties of
Concrete using Fly Ash and Silica
Fumes | International Journal of
Engineering Research &
Technology | UGC CARE | https://10.17577/IJERTV5IS110122 |
Seismic Performance Assessment
OZN Structures by using Aluminum
Shear Link | International Journal of
Engineering Research &
Technology | UGC CARE | https://10.17577/IJERTV8IS060399 |
An Experimental Study on Pervious
Concrete (Mix-Ratio, Strength and
Porous Properties) | International Journal of
Engineering Research &
Technology | UGC CARE | https://10.17577/IJERTV6IS120054 |